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Fish Hooks


  • Must be a member of ECHPOA.

  • Must possess valid ECHPOA membership card and have a valid fishing license issued by the state of Colorado.
  • ECHPOA memberships are valid for one calendar year.
  • Member’s visitors must possess a valid ECHPOA membership card and follow all fishing regulations.  Member will be responsible for any and all actions of their visitors whether present with them or not.
  • Children under the age of 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult member.
  • Fishing tackle limited to flies and non-scented lures.  Use barbless hooks or the barbs on all hooks must be flattened.  Anyone caught using any other method to catch fish will lose their fishing privilege.
  • Ice fishing is permitted outside of the area designated for ice skating.
  • Keep only enough fish that will be used for one meal at a time.  Maximum of two (2) fish per member per day.  No freezer stocking.  All fish kept must be 12” or over in length.
  • Chumming is not allowed.
  • Do not clean fish at the pond.

Please follow all regulations

Please pick up & remove all trash

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